
Ukoliko nas želite pohvaliti i iskazati zadovoljstvo pruženom uslugom molimo napišite nam. 

Pohvala, A.H.
Objavljeno: -

Hello ,

I just wanted to write to you to tell how pleased I was with the treatment that you gave to me on Saturday 10th September. I slipped and broke my ankle very badly whilst I was on holiday in your beautiful country. Your care was excellent. You took good x rays and you put me in a cast that was also excellent. I was able to fly home to England that evening and I am now awaiting surgery. The doctors here were very impressed with my cast.
I want to thank you for your care. Hopefully I will return to Croatia next year and in the nicest way I hope that I won’t need to visit the hospital this time !Many thanks. A.H.

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